Whitestone Parish Hall

Whitestone Parish Hall

7pm − WEDNESDAY, 22nd FEBRUARY, 2017


Present: Dr J. Richards (Parochial Church Council) (Chairman), DrAnna Kellagher (Church Hse. Ed. Fndt.) (Treasurer), Derek Fisher (Elected) (Secretary), Lawrence Blades (Whitestone Players), Jock Kirkpatrick (Sports/Social Club), Carole Jones (Book Club), Mary Belt (Parish Council), Sandy Oxford (Elected), Irene Mathieson (Elected), Ron Bramhall (Gardening Club), Peter Hanson (Social Club), Dave Lee (Cuban Airwaves).


85.1 John Robinson (Elected)

86. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (14/11/2016)

86.1 The word ‘suggested’, in the first line of Minute 64.1 was replaced by the word ‘agreed’ following which the minutes were agreed as a true record each page duly signed by the Chairman.

87. MATTERS ARISING (From minutes of 14th November)

87.1   57.1 Sect reported that the Hearing Loop had been fitted over the 8th and 9th of February and by all accounts is working satisfactorily. The invoice for £3225 for the supply and installation has now been received and paid and steps would now be taken to claim the Rural Aid monies. He had also written to the Council to ask them to
re-consider financial support towards the overall cost. MB confirmed that the Council had allocated £1000. Responding to a question from DL, JK advised on use of the equipment loop, it being agreed that some form of instruction would be provided to potential users.

87.2   57.2 Sect. advised that a letter of thanks had been published in the Parish Magazine thanking all those individuals and groups that had contributed towards the renovation of the piano. MB now has the material to make a cover or the instrument and will be doing this shortly. The refurbishment of the outer case was still awaited the gentleman concerned stating he was very busy but would get to us in time.

87.3   57.3 PH reported that the Lottery funded party of Nov.19th had been very successful and read a letter from the Chairman of the Parish Council complimenting the organisers of the event. He suggested something similar might be held in the future.

87.4   58.7 Noted that nothing had been done concerning Christmas decorations and we had probably now ‘missed the boat’ on this. IM volunteered to provide a number of tree decorations in due course.

87.5   60.2 Sub-Committee had considered the complaint by the Parish Council concerning an incident where the outside WC had been left unflushed and resolved it was a pointless exercise to provide an advice notice. (Cause - undoubtedly young children who wouldn’t be able to read a notice anyway). Confirmed that the cleaner checked the outside toilet everyday. Felt this was an isolated incident and, unless further problems were reported, no further action would be taken.

87.6   60.3 MB and SO reported that the heating of the Main Hall and Billiard Room had been much more efffective recently. Currently set at 24%, agreed to reduce temperature a bit in the Main Hall for active pursuits and that the water temperature be reduced to 60%. Billard Room heating had been effective.

87.7   65.2 The measurements of the hall had been obtained using a digital measuring device and the details submitted to the Valuation Authority.

87.8   65.3 SO confirmed that the Billiard Room door handle (inside and out ) had now been changed and was acceptable.

87.9   65.4 SO had obtained one verbal quote from a professional to completely re- decorate the main hall (excluding woodwork) at £3,500. The work would probably take about 3 weeks. She would obtain two further quotes with a view to a decision being taken at the May meeting. Noted that work would qualify for Rural Aid funding.

87.10   65.5 Dr JR had been unable to resolve the issue of the drawing of the new hall curtains.


88.1 Since the last full meeting JK had gone to New Zealand for 5 weeks but we survived! His absence was not easily overcome as the sub-committee had to take on some of the tasks he usually performed and at the same time our cleaner became incapacitated and again committee members had to assume some cleaning duties. The latter is now back, fully recovered, and has signed a 1 year Employment contract commencing 1st December.

88.2 Our insurance fell due at the end of this month and the sub committee agreed that we should see out the existing 3 year contract rather that taking up their offer for a further three years now, with the same Company, as we might wish to compare other insurers at the end of this year.

88.3 He had written to the Parish Council requesting that again they meet the cost of the insurance as well as 50% of the cost of employing the cleaner bearing in mind that the Minimum Living Wage will increase in April this year.

88.4 JK had carried out the 6 monthly Fire Safety Check in December finding no cause for concern and the alarm system and all extinguishers were also serviced and checked in that month. As requested, the piano had been tuned and it was found also necessary to purchase a new water urn, both in time for the pantomime. The old urn needs more repair work.

88.5 Dick Jordan had repaired the crumbling ramp outside the main hall doors and the master overhead heater switch in the kitchenette had been moved to prevent interference. We had also bought a new table trolley for £270 JK obtaining an excellent deal in respect of its purchase.

88.6 Bryan Durrant had again conducted a successful portable appliance test on all our equipment and we were exploring the possibility of, jointly with the Church, hiring equipment to allow him to do the same next year. The hall was due a full electrical systems check in March of next year but since this falls within this year’s Parish Council financial year we had decided to postpone it until next Summer in order that the Parish Council may properly budget for the same.

88.7 Our fee to PRS has been paid (£160-£248 increase) and our 3 year electricity contract also expired this year the sub-committee supporting the Treasurer in obtaining a 1 year contract with an alternative supplier.

88.8 The sub-committee found it necessary to obtain and refix a new rail for the stage tab curtains as with the pantomime imminent they were found to be not fit for purpose. The cost was £613 excluding VAT, far in excess of the £300 limit placed on the sub-committee, but the matter was urgent and we trust this Committee will understand and support the sub-committee’s action. Agreed.

88.9 Nominations would shortly be sought from organisations for representatives on this Committee for the forthcoming year and current reps. might wish to address this with the organisations concerned prior to receiving the forms.

88.10 The door entry code would change on Monday 6th March to ****


89.1 AK presented the Balance sheet for 2016 as required by the Charity Commission together with fuller Receipts and Payments accounts for acceptance before independent examination. She commented that receipts (£16,709) had exceeded outgoings (£16,660) by £50. Receipts from hall lettings (£10,360 were higher than 2015 (£8,704) partly due to a new Regular Hirer as well as less outstanding invoices at the end of the year. £771 had been received from the Big Lottery Fund towards a community celebration and £1,217 had been raised towards the cost of refurbishing the piano through events and donations. The Parish Council had contributed £1,329 towards the cost of the cleaner as well as paying just over £1000 towards hall insurance. Solar panel income (£1,898) was marginally lower than 2015 (£1,954). Outgoings at £16,660 had been similar to the 2015 figure of £16,960 and included not only ongoing refurbishment work but also the purchase of new chairs and a floor cleaning machine. Expenditure on electricity increased (by £79), gas (by £391) and water rates (by £270) although compared to 2014 the gas and water charges were very similar. Monetary assets at the close of the financial year totalled £9,078.

89.2 Committee thanked the Treasure for her efforts during the year, approving the Charity Commission document and accepting the other financial documents for forwarding for independent examination.

89.3 In addressing our present financial situation AK stated that having started this year with £9,078our current bank balance was £3849. Invoices had been sent out amounting to £1,653. Invoices outstanding from last year (£720) had been paid and we had received 2 payments of £108 from the Parish Council together with some advance hiring monies. Payments made to date included the usual remuneration to the cleaner, insurance (£1064), Performing Rights (£248), Hearing Loop (£3,225), new rail for tab curtains (£733) and four lots of gas at £411.

89.4 AK advised we had now changed our energy supplier to Dual Fuel on a 1 year contract, explaining the reasoning behind the decision. Discussion ensued on the provision of bulk storage for gas, PH agreeing to research further.

89.5 Noted that the proposed budget for 2017 had been submitted to the sub-committee, which having carried forward anticipated income and payments, based on 2016 figures, anticipated a small profit in 2017. Chair requested that all concerned should endeavour to adhere to the budget.


90.1 MB indicated that all organisations requesting financial support from the Parish Council would be expected to provide details of their own finances in future.

90.2 LB thanked the sub-committee for the prompt action in respect of the tab curtains.

90.3 JK reminded those present of the Parish Fete on 1st July.



91.1 Noted that this document had only been adopted in May and, though it had been reviewed by the sub-committee, it had not been thought necessary to make any recommendations for change at this time.


92.1 Sect. referred to the document as presented at the last full meeting commenting that, whilst some of the issues regarding signs (eg No Smoking and Fire Exit) as well as the high level catches on doors, the following two items required resolution.

92.3 2c Gas Bottle Store. The provision of a mesh cage to house the bottles had been priced at £816, however, Devon Fire and Rescue had been contacted and expressed complete satisfaction for the present arrangements, suggesting that if and when the present wooden housing became un-serviceable, we consider a meshed cage.

92.4 4a Light Bar. RB had contacted Teignbridge Council who declined involvement, suggesting we check the issue with our insurance company. This was done, the insurer voicing no concerns, but suggested we contact a local builder for advice. We spoke with AGS, who provide all sorts of stage type services for halls, theatres and the like and they confirmed that the present fixing arrangement far exceeded the security of what they would install. Further noted that all pieces of equipment attached to the bar have secondary security straps. Agreed in view of professional advice the matter should not be taken further.


93.1 Cost of boxing in central heating pipes with uPVC (West Coast Windows) was £1553 excluding VAT. Sub-committee to consider further options.

93.2 Agreed flickering over head light outside Disabled Toilet in Main Hall to be replaced. Discussion on accessibility of disabled toilet by pantomime not for this Committee to resolve.

93.3 SO reported screw missing on front door handle. On suggestion that Billiard Room carpet should be cleaned, CJ agreed to supply carpet cleaner, RB agreeing to carry out work. Further noted that a lock was required on the Disabled Toilet door.

93.4 PH reported on the fact that some of the 8’ lighting tubes were now failing after a timespan of 12 years. The tubes were no longer made but could still be obtained and that sub committee had resolved to purchase a number of new tubes @ £20 each to see us through the forseeable future.

93.5 IM pointed out there was a need for a sanitary bin in the stage toilet.

93.6 JK commented that the new chairs were getting very stained. He had researched cleaning materials and dry cleaning fluid seemed to be the recommended solution for grease. Agreed to purchase one 100ml. can @ £6 or £7 as a trial and if successful to purchase fluid in 5 litre container @ £29.

93.7 Discussion ensued on suggestion by JK that we explore the possibility of providing a covered in porch outside the present Main Hall Fire Door, perhaps with an additional outer door. Agreed to first consult views of Fire Authority. JK to action but IM to check on availability of 2-way type fire door.


94.1 Sub-Committee 3pm Tuesday 14th March 2017

94.2 AGM and next Full Committee 7pm Monday, 8th May.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 2110 hours