Whitestone Parish Hall


Registered Charity No 1134187


Present: Dr.Ron Bramhall (Gardening Club), John Robinson (Elected), David Lee (Cuban Airwaves), Carole Jones (Book Club), Derek Fisher (Elected) (Secretary), Dr Jane Richards (Parochial Church Council) (Chairman). Arrived 1930 hours – Peter Hanson (Social Club), Arrived 1940 hours - Irene Mathieson (Elected), Arrived 2040 hours – Dr Anna Kellagher (Church House Education. Foundation) (Treasurer).


99.1 Mary Belt, Jock Kirkpatrick.

100. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (13/11/2017)

100.1 Accepted as a true record each page signed accordingly by the Chairman.

101. MATTERS ARISING (From minutes of 13th November)

101.170.6 Sect. reported that sub-committee had taken up the kind offer of Tracy Baird to thoroughly clean the floor of the main hall and this was being arranged through MB.

101.2 70.10 In the absence of PH, Sect advised that the threshold to the outside WC, the final item from last year’s H and S inspection was in hand. The wood was in hand and Alan Cox had agreed to fit same once better weather arrived.

101.3 77.1 Sect reported, in the absence of JK, that the latter had drawn up a list of items to be addressed and, whilst he did not foresee any problems in meeting the criteria demanded by Hallmark 3, now that Drs. JR and RB were available he would be calling a meeting to take matters further.

101.4 78.3 Noted that JK was compiling a list of tasks performed by Committee Members in order that a record be kept of who does what. Committee asked to consider any tasks they perform and report same to JK.


102.1 JK had raised the floorboard in the main hall and found it to be riddled with woodworm. Initial inspection suggested there was no spread but the area was treated and the board will be re-varnished in due course. MB had now purchased the ribbon to ‘tie in’ the waist of the piano cover. A yellow line had been painted on the road surface, at no charge, to accommodate pedestrians wishing to access the hall and JK had carried out the six monthly Fire Safety check with no cause for concern being revealed. Bryan Durrant has again carried out the testing of all portable electrical appliances in the hall, again with no cause for concern. JK had also obtained a suitable lighting unit to be fixed to the garage wall, to illuminate access to the Fire Assembly Point in the event of a fire or power cut.

102.2 The outside hedge was cut at the end of last year. The piano was tuned just before the pantomime and Fox Fire Alarms have carried out their six monthly service of the Fire Alarm System and annual check of the Extinguishers. The cost of the former was a little high as batteries needed replacing. The sub-committee had also employed the services of Bob Hunt to clean all the facias around the hall and to clean out all the gutters. A new 3K wall heater had to be purchased to replace one that had burnt out and a start had been made in boxing in the gap at the edge of the stage.

102.3 Two remote control Velux blinds have been purchased for use on the dormer windows in the main hall at £199 each, JK reporting that they worked beautifully and provided total blackout. The sub-committee sought a grant from the Parish Council for the purchase of one of the blinds the second being bought by the Committee. Unfortunately, the Parish Council only saw fit to award us £100. This meant that in order to acquire the blinds before the Pantomime the sub-committee had to exceed their authorised £300 spending limit and we trust that this Committee will approve of that action. Agreed

102.4 The Booking Form had been re-designed to ascertain if users wish to make use of the Hearing Loop. The whole of the Committee’s minutes for this year have now been downloaded and are available on the Parish website and Ingrid, the cleaner, had signed a contract for a further 12 month period. The sub committee had adopted a Found Property system whereby property left in the hall will be entered in a book and advertised in the Parish Magazine, kept for 6 weeks and then disposed of. We may include this policy on the Booking Confirmation forms in due course.

102.5 Our insurance falls due for renewal on 24th February and after comparison with various insurers the sub committee had decided to continue with our present insurer on a 3 year deal at a cost of £1084 annually. The cheapest premium available was £918 but this was with a relatively new company and the cover provided was not as comprehensive as our existing insurer. Nevertheless, it is recommended that this latter company be seriously considered in 3 years time. The Parish Council has re-imbursed us for the cost of insuring the hall.


103.1 Peter Hanson (Social Club) and Irene Mathieson (Elected) arrived during the discussion of this item.

103.2 On behalf of the Treasurer, JRo presented copies of the annual Financial Report to be forwarded to the Charity Commission, together with the annual account of Receipts and Payments for the year ending 31st December 2017. It was noted that receipts totalled £17,147 against payments of £17,470, giving a deficit of £322. Comment was made on the increase in PRS fees of £88.

Following a proposal from DL both the Charity Commission financial statement and Receipts and Payments accounts were approved.

103.3 Following an amendment to the last paragraph of the ‘Achievements and Performance’ section of the Trustees’ Annual Report to the Charity Commission the report was adopted and approved to be forwarded to the Commission.

103.4 On the arrival of AK (Treasurer) a discussion ensued on the correct charging criteria of the Whitestone Players who take over a number of rooms in advance of the event itself. It was noted that no charge is currently made for this use and agreed that the status quo would apply in the future. It was however emphasised that, whilst the pantomime received priority booking status, flexibility and consideration for other hirers should be applied.

103.5 Following vote of appreciation to the Treasurer, proposed by PH, he asked if future balance sheets could indicate a clearer comparison between running costs and letting income.


104.1 CJ reported that a recent Book Club meeting the room had been very cold, partly due to failure of a heater, and asked if the heating could be put on in advance earlier than at present. IM also commented last week the temperature in the main hall had been too cold to allow any painting. PH/JK to note accordingly.


105.1 Sect advised that there remained a vacancy following the resignation of Sandy Oxford. A number of individuals had been approached but so far, without any success. He felt we needed a nomination, for a new elected member before the AGM.

105.2 Sect further advised that, consequent to imminent removal, a new Booking Clerk had been obtained in the form of Caroline Honeywell, with assistance from JK. All the relevant notifications of this change would be made in time for the hand over on 1st March.

105.3 The Sect had agreed to remain in post up to and for the AGM. However, he felt that a new Secretary needed to be identified as a matter of urgency and commented that ideally such a person should take over the complete role. He would, however, be prepared to continue to take minutes of meetings if so requested, but could not continue to perform the other tasks required of a Secretary. Agreed that Dr J should contact certain named individuals in respect of this item and minute 105.1.


106.1 Sect was able to report that all the defects identified as a result of the last Periodic Electrical Inspection had now been addressed and following a further inspection by the electrician had been checked and found to be in order. There were 5 items requiring further attention, but these related to poor earthing problems and he was happy that they were in hand through JK and PH, there being no need to call him back.

106.2 The cable to the outside Parish Hall sign had been installed since the initial inspection but formed part of the current report, it being coded as ‘potentially dangerous’ since the cable needed securing to fixed points at ground level and this is in hand.

106.3 Noted that the stage lighting circuit had been tripping out a lot recently and whilst the electrician had been unable to trace the cause it appeared that the reason might have something to do with the installation the subject of minute 106.2 above. This was currently disconnected as it was felt that water penetration might be the cause.

106.4 The opportunity was taken to address with the electrician what work could acceptably be undertaken ‘in house’ by non-qualified personnel. He was of the opinion that whilst changing damaged sockets, connecting up earth continuity and similar tasks was acceptable any additional work on circuits ie additions or extensions to the existing system, should be carried out by a qualified electrician.



107.1 In the absence of JK, Sect. outlined that, in the opinion of the sub-committee, it was necessary to include in Policy Doc. No 6 - Financial Policy a statement relating to the availabilty of pension provision. A new Clause 9 was therefore proposed and agreed to read as follows:

“9.1 Income will be deducted at source for all employees using the PAYE system in accordance with Section 5 of the Quality Control Manuel (Accounts).

9.2 Currently there is no requirement to offer a pension to employees who are over pension age or where their income form this employment is less than £10,000 per annum. However, should an employee express a wish to have a workplace pension, the Committee will offer to enrol the employee into a workplace pension scheme. The Committee will not be required to make any contributions itself to such a pension scheme.“

107.2 It was also noted that there was a difference between the Policy Document, which stated that next year’s budget should be agreed in December and the actual month when it was agreed, being at full Committee in November. Agreed that the Policy Document be amended at 3.1 to read ‘November’ as opposed to ‘December’.

107.3 Agreed that JK should ‘invite’ RB, IM and CJ to join the Drop Box system.


108.1 Following discussion at the sub-committee it had been resolved to put the question of continuing the free 15 setting up/clearing away period offered at the start and end of hiring periods to be put before the full Committee. It was noted the Booking Clerk had experienced some difficulties with hirers who took advantage of the concession often putting the wrong hiring period times on the Booking Form, whilst some hirers had viewed the allowance as a right rather than a concession. 108.2 After consideration of the alternative – charging hirers for the whole time they require it was agreed that the ‘free’ periods should remain since by far the majority of hirers understood the need for flexibility and consideration for the needs of other hirers.

108.3 It was emphasised that the ‘free’ periods are a concession not a right and the Booking Clerk was to be supported in ensuring that groups respected the needs of other hirers.


109.1 The sub-committee had been considering the provision of a covered entrance way into the main hall via the existing rear fire exit. The only identified use for such provision being for the duration of the pantomime. Various options had been considered and rejected, with the provision of a temporary, portable, outside structure being considered the only option.

109.2 It was possible to obtain a tent like cover fort the rear porch area and ramp at a cost of some £400 but after discussion it was decided that a) since it would only be used by the pantomime and b) the problems of adapting the structure and its storage, the project should not be proceeded with.


110.1 Agreed that a new key code, to access the hall and cleaner’s cupboards, be instigated from 1st March. Secretary to advise all persons needing to have access, of the change, before that date.

110.2 PH reported that he had found that the cold tap in the Disabled toilet had been left on in the full position overnight and for probably a longer period. He had turned the valve down to allow a reduced flow it being accepted that this seemed the only option available in this adapted toilet.

110.3 PH notified the Committee that he had organised an event for the benefit of the community and to raise funds for the bell fund and would be applying for a grant from an outside body. He asked if the Committee’s bank account could be used as a vehicle to service the grant. After considerable discussion and strongly held views the request was agreed on a vote of: For 6, Against 2, Abstentions 1. It was further agreed that whilst the Committee agreed to the request on this occasion, in no way would it be accepted as a precedent and any such future requests would only be considered where the Committee had had advanced notice of and involvement in the planning of such an event.


111.1 The Next Full Committee Meeting would follow the AGM which it was agreed would be held at 7pm on Monday, 9th May.

111.2 The next sub-committee meeting would be at 2pm on Monday, 19th March.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 2120 hours.