Whitestone Parish Hall


Registered Charity No 1134187
(Regd. Charity 1134187)




  1. APOLOGIES: Sue Llewellyn, Guy Fielding, Peter Hanson

  1. CO-OPTION OF NEW TRUSTEE: Andy Rose proposed as back-up treasurer by MB, seconded by MD. Andy signed Trustee Agreement.

  1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (13.5.19): Signed as correct by JR.
  1. MATTERS ARISING – NOT ON AGENDA (From minutes of 13.5.19):

WiFi payment contribution from Parish Council (PC). JK explained the PC has given us £195.00, not £205 as previously promised by old PC. Some confusion about how they decided on that figure. JK has paid first 3 months £138 and passed bill to AK/AR. The Fete committee have kindly donated the profit from this years Fete of £401 to the hall. Fete money + PC donation = £596. AK/AR will fill in DD for future payment to BT. Action: MC to write to Fete committee (MB and JK) to thank them for money.

LB has replied to PH’s email regarding action to prevent mess in hall after Panto.

Gas cylinders: JK will invoice for small cylinder he lent hall. Extra cylinders not ordered yet.

TLC day: Sept 21st or 28th looked ok for most people. Action: MC and JR to check with booking clerk for those dates.

Gloss paint and new carpet fitting will both be done 12/13th August.

  1. SECRETARY’S REPORT: MC asked for all Trustees to check their contact details on form and amend if necessary.

  1. TREASURER’S REPORT: Joint report AR and AK. Annual return to Charity Commissioner now due for 2018. AK has compiled accounts and answered their list of questions but needs to check ‘all trustees are happy’. Only change was that Brian D. does PAT testing as a volunteer, otherwise we were all happy. Income for 2017/8 was £14 237 and outgoings £10 528. JR asked to sign DD form for BT WiFi payments. AK has changed contact address to Andy R.

Current year to date: Receipts £8900.57, payments £7492.35. Bank current account has £7994.20 in it and deposit account £5889. Total held = £13 883. Outstanding invoices + £613.88. There’s been a large water bill but not unusually so. Scottish Power should be taking their payment on 5/8/19 for interim period. Now with Dual Energy which is paid monthly by DD. FIT meter needs reading at end of August – AK showed AR and JK where it is. MC gave AR letter from Teinbridge regarding invoicing them for their Election Day bookings. Short discussion about independent examiner. Jane R. said deputy treasurer needed. DL offered and John Robinson is also happy to help.

JR then presented Anna Kellagher with a card and gift as a thank you for all the excellent hard work she has done over the years and expressed heartfelt regret that she is not able to continue. All agreed.

  7-13 Matters referred from sub-committee:

  1. DISABLED ACCESS: No update as MB has yet to see Nigel Passmore.

  1. PART TIME CARETAKER: Confirmed after discussion with DL and JR. that we need CC permission to employ LB as he is a trustee. AK has written to CC saying only LB was available. No reply from them yet. Action: AK to send details to MC for chasing.
  1. DIGITAL PROJECTOR: JR has been to Ladds and found one for £289. After discussion decided to

refer to sub committee for further discussion. Action: MC to put on Sub Com agenda.

  1. STORAGE PROVISION: JK said as skittles are no longer stored in garage 1 we may be

able to use that space once a little clearing out has been done.

  1. HEARING LOOP IN BILLIARD ROOM: JK. Has been in touch with Action on Hearing

Loss. Possible to extend hearing loop into billiard room with cable around walls and

microphone. Discussion about effectiveness and need. It would cost around £820 inc.

VAT. Action: JK to put note in Parish Mag asking villagers to contact him with their

thoughts about the need for this provision.

  1. REVIEW HIRE CHARGES/BOOKING ARRANGEMENTS: Discussion about sub-com price

increase suggestions. LB was concerned that Panto would be badly affected. JK

reminded us no increase since before 2012. Agreed new prices from January 2020

(attached to these minutes) but will honour any bookings already made at old rate.

Action: MC to send new price list to Caroline

  1. APPROVE POLICY DOCUMENT 1 and 2. Section 6 Quality Manual: all approved.

Other matters:

  1. PARISH COUNCIL REQUEST– PARISH WARDEN: MB read out letter from Nick Thom Parish Council Chairman regarding the PC suggestion to employ a Parish Warden. Suggested 8 hours a week to maintain playpark, phone box etc. and he would like the Parish Hall Committee to consider dealing with the H.R. aspect of employment. After discussion it was agreed that we all support the idea but as Trustees of WPH our job is to run the Hall and it’s the PC’s job to look after the rest of the parish so they should deal with employment issues. Action: JR to write to Nick Thom to tell him our decision.
  1. REVALUATION OF HALL BUILDING FOR INSURANCE: JR said it’s a long time since

rebuilding cost has been assessed and many improvements have been made. Discussion about cost and MB suggested Teignbridge might do it. Action: JR to find out and obtain 3 quotes for valuation.

  1. KITCHEN HYGIENE RATING: Discussion about if we should have a hygiene rating

assessment. Action: MB to contact Teignbridge to ask them to come and advise.


email from PH regarding request for where to keep appliance instructions. Agreed to go into filing cabinet.

  1. A.O.B.: JK reported a bad leak in ladies loo. Walls around basins and other areas very mouldy. LB had looked and advised more ventilation by putting vents in internal doors. May be necessary to put extractor fan in window. Agreed to let it dry out before considering remedial work and redecorating. MD thanked JK for the work he is doing – all agreed. Action: LB and JK to carry on assessing.

  1. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 20th November 7.30pm

Meeting closed at 10pm.